In our world of disinformation, corporate manipulation of truth and greenwashing, and the newest Fake News bombarding us, it’s hard to determine truth from falsehood. Green Up Your Life will cut through the unnecessary and false information to give you the science-based facts about the products you use in your home– from food to cosmetics, cleaning supplies to carpeting.

Skye Raiser has been an environmentalist all her life. Over the past 15 years she has studied the sources of human low-level exposure to toxins and chemicals that we all encounter through our food, cosmetics, beauty supplies, cleaning supplies, and home furnishings and decorating. She was particularly compelled to investigate when she faced personal health issues that regular doctors could not identify or help her with.
Skye talked with toxicologists, read scientific studies, studied food systems, agricultural methods, ecology, and worked with and drew knowledge from organizations like the Environmental Working Group, the Nature Conservancy, DC Greens, Project Drawdown, and other organizations. She deeply believes in the purchase power of moms, households and individuals to change the market, our products and the world.
She holds a BA from the University of Virginia, an MA from the Johns Hopkins University, and has an executive degree from Columbia University’s Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability with a concentration in Food Systems.
Skye has been an urban farmer, growing dozens of species of fruits, vegetables and herbs at her home in Washington DC. She considers herself a Multi-Species Herd Manager, taking care of 6 kids, 3 dogs, 4 cats, chickens, and 2 horses. And for about 50 years she has served as a guinea pig for multinational food, chemical and pharmaceutical companies, and the health care industry. Skye now lives with her family and animals in beautiful Bozeman, Montana!
Columbia University: Skye Raiser: "Restructuring Reefs & Enhancing Wetland Ecosystem Services"